福傳理念 Prism’s Evangelical Concept





Prism(稜聲)認為音樂是一個傳福音的好工具,因為音樂和共融是相輔相成的。音樂是不可能靠一個音符來譜成音樂的,而是要有很多不同的音符和諧地放在一起才能演奏出美妙的樂章。如同Prism不能只靠一人來工作。雖然我們都具備著不同的天賦,但透過基督的愛和團體力量可以令大家合而為一,不斷進步,做得更好。所以,我們非常重視成員的信仰培育,大多於音樂的造詣。目標是不讓樂團停滯不前,為整個團體做得更好而努力。我們希望能培育一隊高水準的樂團之餘,更能不斷增進成員之間的友誼和共融。因此,在籌備每一次音樂會的過程中,我們均能對信仰有更深的領悟; 與主與人建立更親密的關係。

若我們時常團聚、祈禱、聆聽、和活出天主聖言,便會增加成員的歸屬感。每人都把自己有的與人分享,彼此共融,讓尚未認識天主的朋友,感受到團體中所彰顯的愛,自然地傳揚了福音的喜訊 。就讓大家透過團體所給予的支持和鼓勵,彼此相愛、互相包容、體諒和接納,把天主的愛傳遍普世。
PRISM Evangelization Concept

Music Evangelization

We accepted the Christ’s invitation to join the Church through baptism, we bears a mission to continue to expand the Kingdom of God and to spread the Good News. After the 2nd Vatican Council, the Church actively promote the position of Catholics (laity) in the history of salvation, enourage them to fulfill their mission, and cooperate with the clergy to manage the Church that was passed down by Christ. Pope Pius XII has described the laity as the church’s front line, the Church is the source of human society, they not only belong to the Church, they are the church. As the image of the vineyard said, the members of the laity and the Church are connected to God through the branches, and from Him we lives and bear fruits.

From the above, we can see laity has a certain position in the church structure. Our mission is to spread the Good News. We live in the Word of God, share the joy of God with family and friends. We need to grasp the opportunity to evangelize in our daily life. The existence of PRISM is to create this evangelization opportunity, provide a platform for Catholics to invite their friends and family to know about God through music. Please support PRISM, let PRISM be the evangelization instrument among the parishes.

Because the differences between traditional hymns and today’s pop music may be difficult for some young people to accept. Young Catholics will try to compose music was close to the taste of today’s young people, hoping it’s easier to understand the meaning in the music, and let God’s truth continuous to circulate on earth.
Fellowship Evangelization

PRISM believes that music is a good evangelization instrument, because music and communion are complementary. One music note cannot form a piece of music, but a lot of different notes together become a harmony. PRISM cannot be a one man team. Everyone of us have different talents, but through the power of God’s love unite us into one, we continuously seek improvement to be better. Therefore, it’s more important to cultivate members in their religious faith than their music skills. We hope to nurture a high level music team, as well as continuously enhance the friendship and communion among the members. During each concert preparation, we gain a better grasp of our religious faith, and also establish a more initmate relationship with God.

If we always reunite, pray, listen, and live out the Word of God, it will increase our sense of belongings among members. We share what we know between each other, provide opportunity for non-believers to know about God, demonstrate the love of God in our group, and spread the Good news of the Gospel. Let us support and encourage each other through the community, be able to love, understand, accept each other, and spread God’s love.