Feb 2007 – San Francisco EV Concert 美國三藩市音樂之旅佈道會「踏出多一點」

Prism 首次主辦的音樂之旅佈道 會「踏出多一點」經已在二月三日完滿結束。感謝大家對一 直以來的支持。 這是Prism成立以來第一次主辦音樂會,在節目流程,音樂編排,和樂隊組合皆是一個嶄新的嘗試。我們花了很多時間和心思在籌備和練習上。在這段時間﹐大家都努力練習﹐希望成功地透過這活動傳達天主的訊息。但頻繁的的綵排都令大家累透了,緊張和不安的心情亦隨之而生。幸好我們有耶穌基督在我們中間,轉化我們的心。由起初一塌糊塗,直至最後一次彩排時還在擔心會唱得不夠好到演出時卻出奇地平安,觀眾也非常投入於音樂會的氣氛中,我們便明白到福傳工作真的帶給大家無窮喜樂。對我們來說,也是一個深化信仰的音樂旅程,之前一切所努力的都變得很值得。

Event - 2007 一開始,柔和悅耳的清唱和聲輕輕的進入耳中,為整個音樂旅程揭開序幕,然後緊接著便是由搖滾式的樂曲和強勁的節拍組成的環節「來!讚美主!」。我們準備了三首大家耳熟能詳的Praise and Worship歌曲來讚美天主,表現我們身為公教年青人活潑的一面,並邀請觀眾和我們一起詠唱,為大家暖身。

緊接下來MC便介紹我們的特別嘉賓–鍾丹理神父來到我們中間,配合歌曲讓大家認識三位一體的天主。在環節「父…愛」中,我們以短片,聖經章節,柔和的輕音樂,和與鍾神父的輕鬆對話來介紹聖父:創造天地萬物的主。然後,環節「基督的光」便介紹聖子耶穌基督。鍾神父主持一個通常在復活節舉行的天主教禮儀–光的典禮,以光來象徵為我們罪人捨生的聖子是復活的主。 當我們在平靜和諧的氣氛下唱出傳統聖詩時, 台下的燭光一個傳一個的燃點起來. 當大家都舉起那小小的燭光輕輕揮動時,就像黑夜天空中的繁星滿佈一樣,讓大家感受耶穌基督的降生,就如黑暗之中綻放的光明。最後的環節是「聖神降臨」。鍾神父首先解釋聖神的意義,然後帶領我們以祈禱和歌頌的方式祈來求聖神降臨到我們心中。好讓我們能夠給我們力量去踏出多一點,以行動將福音的喜訊傳遍世界各地。


我們真的很珍惜在過去幾個月來大家一起學習﹐一起練習﹐一起努力和一起表演的時光。希望在未來的日子裡﹐我們繼續能夠用我們小小的力量去發出一點光, 發一分熱力﹐一起用音樂將天主的愛傳揚到世上每個角落。

Musical Journey “Step Forward” Catholic Evangelization Concert was carried out successfully on February 3, 2007. Thank you for supporting Prism in all ways. This was the first time Prism to have their own concert since they established. No matter in program flow, music arrangement, and combines with the band are all new attempts. We have spent lots of time and thoughts in arranging and practicing. To prepare for the concert, everybody practices very hard and hope that they can transmit God’s word successfully through their performances. But the frequent rehearsals have made everybody to feel tired, tense and the restless mood also lived along with it. Luckily, we have Jesus Christ among us, and transformed our hearts. Through many disorganized rehearsal at the beginning, to major improved rehearsals at last, singers were still very nervous. However, the performance turned out to be extraordinarily successful, and the audiences were very involved in the concert’s atmosphere. We then understood evangelization work could really bring peace and happiness to everybody. To us, the concert have also deepened our beliefs on our music journey, and all the hard work was worthwhile.
The grand opening for the musical journey begins with the gentle and delightful acappella. Then follow by a rock and roll style of music to bring out “Come, Praise God!”. We have prepared three well known Praise and Worship songs to praise God, and that shows people how lively we are as part of the youth ministry, and we have even invited all of the audiences to join us in singing to bring out a warmer atmosphere.

Then, emcee helped us introduced our special guest – Father Chung Dan Li to come between us. Along with the music at the background, we want audiences to know what is Trinity in God. In the program “ Father… love”, we have combined a short video, bible verses, soothing music and Father’s talk to introduce our God: the creator on earth. Then, Father introduced God’s son in the next program, “Jesus light”. Father Chung hosted a Catholic ceremony – “The ceremony of light”(where usually held during Easter), by using light to symbolize that the God who sacrifice his son to saves us criminals. When we started to sing our psalms peacefully and quietly, all the candlelight in the audience started to light up. Then everybody held their small candlelight and gently wave them, just like millions of stars shining in the dark sky, and created the idea of how Jesus Christ came to earth, like a bright light shining in the dark. Our final program in the concert was “Holy Spirit has arrived”. Father Chung first explained the significance of Holy Spirit, then he lead the audience with prayer and singing to pray for Holy Spirit’s presence into our hearts. So that we can have the power and courage to step forward, by using action to spread the Gospel’s good news to the rest of the world.

Since this was Prism’s first concert since established; members were not very familiar with each other, therefore, many miscommunications happened during preparation, and created lots of mistakes and misunderstandings. But because of this reason, we have also benefit a lot from these experiences. Whether it was on our friendship, on our music, or on our spiritual path, we have made a big step forward. Under God’s leadership, we’ve learned that music and beliefs are mutually correlated. By using our gifts and creativity, we could spread his word of love, and learned how to communicate better between people. This concert’s intention also tied with the Prism’s goal and mission.

We cherish all the things we’ve learned, practices, and all the time we spent in preparing and performing in the past few months. We wish that in the up coming days, we could continue to spread God’s light with our strength, to give heat and most of all to use music and spread to every part of the world.