Prism sings at singtao expo for CROSS Radio. Cross Radio sponsored a booth at the SingTao Trade Exposition, named The Message of Love, with the goals of spreading our belief to passersby who are not as familiar with the Catholic faith, and to promote the radio program on Cross Raido. Various activities included distribution of prizes and evangelization note cards; live music performance; Catholic television programming; trivia games and lucky draw. PRISM's prime role, without a doubt, was the live music performance.

Being a two-day performance event, our Saturday group included Jessica, Louisa, Wilson, and Myron, while the Sunday group included Corinna, Helen, Samuel, Wilson, and Benson. We prepared six original works by PRISM, including Let Peace Begin with Me, Joy in Living, Climb Mount Everest, Lord Walks with Me, Step Forward, and Salt & Light. Due to various circumstances, we were not allowed to use any live instruments, and resorted to sing along to background music previously recorded by Matthew and Cecilia, with very decent effects.

Although we planned on performing twice a day at designated times, we ended up singing one more round with the overwhelming support of our many friends. With less than two months of preparation and practice, amusing mishaps scattered throughout the performances; nonetheless, it was a fun-filled, enjoyable process for all. We even invented some choreography (simple movements and gestures to be frank) to complement the songs, hoping to encourage our audience to pay attention to our songs' messages. Some of our innovative dance routines and postures are hilarious! When we were not performing, we assisted with flyer distribution, played games on the concrete floor, and even started singing in unison. Seeing our lively faces, many curious passersby inquired about Cross Radio's booth, illustrating how cheerful and pleasant spirits is essential to spreading the Lord's joyous message.

Prism 在星島工展會〝漫步心靈路〞的攤位參與演出。
“十字工程”( Cross Radio )在一連兩天舉行的星島工展會中擺設了一個攤位,名叫 “愛的訊息”,目的是傳達天主教信仰給對天主教不大熟悉的途人,及宣傳宗教節目 “漫步心靈路”。在攤位內有很多活動,包括派發禮物及福傳卡、獻唱、播放天主教節目給途人欣賞,及主持問答遊戲和抽獎。而Prism的任務,當然是負責獻唱的部份。

因為工展會分別在週六的週日舉行,我們亦都分成週六和週日組來獻唱。週六的成員有Jessica、Louisa、Wilson 和 Myron,而週日便有Corinna、Helen、Samuel、Wilson 和 Benson 來獻唱。我們準備了六首由Prism創作的歌曲,包括 “Let Peace Begin with Me”、“樂在生命 中”、“Climb Mount Everest”、“主伴我走”、“踏出多一點” 和 “鹽與光”。因為各種環境因素影響之下,我們不能擺放任何樂器,所以我們只能用 Matthew 和 Cecilia為我們預先錄製的音樂伴奏來演出。效果還是不錯的。當日我們只計劃在每天的指定時間內演出兩次。但在眾多朋友的支持下,我們還是演出了三次。

雖然我們只有個多月來籌備這次活動,在演出時亦出現了很多蝦碌鏡頭,但是整個過程都是愉快、充滿喜樂的。在演出之前一天的練習中 ,我們還自創一些舞蹈(其實只是一些簡單的走位)來配合歌曲,目的是讓途人更加留意我們所傳達的訊息。一些成員所創作的舞蹈和舞姿,真是令我們捧腹大笑!在工展會中,當我們不需要演出的時候,我們便幫助派發單張、坐在地上玩遊戲,什至自發性地一起唱歌。很多途人看見我們的笑臉,都走過來詢問攤位的資料。這証明我們要懷著喜樂、和諧的心,我們才可傳達上主的喜訊給其他人。