The continuation of Prism rests with your support. Please also show your generous support through donation and prayers. With your help, we can continue our evangelization through music and harmony.

Prism 的工作成功與否,有賴大家的支持。大家可透過捐款及祈禱來支持我們。 有你們的幫助,Prism才能繼續順利地用音樂來進行福傳的工作。

Your charitable support is deeply appreciated. Please make checks payable to Chinese Ministry and send to:
有意幫助 Prism 的朋友,支票抬頭: Chinese Ministry, 請惠寄支票到下列地址:

Chinese Ministry
Archdiocese of San Francisco
One Peter Yorke Way,
San Francisco, CA 94109

(All donations are tax-deductible. 所有捐款均享有減稅優惠。)