The melody of this song are used to be a Chinese ev theme song. The arrangement was fast and upbeat. During practice, our guitarist, Matthew, played a soft, soothing version of the song just for fun. However, I love it very much. It feels like a group of youth sits on a soft lawn and sings praises together to our Lord. Then I decide to write the English version of the song. Sometimes, I like this version more than the fast one!

這首歌的旋律原是中文歌 “下一站” 。某一次練習的時候,Matthew 用結他彈出一個柔和版本,感覺就像一班同學仔坐在草地上唱歌讚美上主,心血來潮便寫了這一個英文版本。我選用了一些傳統歌詞改編了 “下一站” ,有時候我更喜歡這個版本呢。”

– Cecilia Cham


Beauty in Our Lives

Hill and vales, Trees and flowrs.
Sun and moon, sky and star
The joy we gain from birth
And all the livings on the earth
Breeze and rain, days and nights,
Love of God, bring us light
We give thanks to the Lord
For the beauties in our lives.

O Lord, we come to you and give you thanks.
For all the beauties, all the starry band
We sing praise to You because your kingdom never ends
So we hold our hands,
Do the best we can… to spread your love…
to the world.

Copyright © 2004 by Cecilia Cham
Composer/ Lyricist: Cecilia Cham
Vocalist: Michelle Lee
Producer: Agatha Lee
Sound Engineer/ Guitarist: Matthew Wong