[ Events ]
06/09/07 後感 Post Event Feelings Agatha Angela Angelina Cecilia Connie Corinna Frances Janice Louisa Matthew Myron Pauline Rufina Sonia Union Wilson |
「羅蘭向灣區出發佈道會」的籌備工作在短短一個半月內全部完成了。這不但是一個奇蹟,更見証了天主的計劃是多麼美妙和神奇。 但凡教會的聚會,不論是莊嚴的彌撒或是輕鬆活潑的青年營,音樂都是不能缺少的項目。優美的音樂既能觸動人心,也能傳達訊息。音樂是我的嗜好,也是我生命中不可缺少的一部份。自從二月份的音樂會結束後,我的腦海仍不時浮現著當晚的情境。那些美麗的樂章仍然震撼著我的心靈。因此當我接到有關這次佈道會的消息,我便馬上跟 Cecilia >商議有關事宜,為六月九作好準備…… 每一次的準備工作都是新的挑戰。對我而言,人的聲線是世上最優美的「樂器」;而要將每個人獨特的聲線放在一起卻有一定的難度。在此我要衷心向 Prism >每一位成員道謝,多謝你們在百忙中抽出時間出 席練習。多謝女高音把美麗的主音頌唱出來。雖然唱主音的壓力很大,但你們仍然唱得很投入,很有感情。女低音,你們更是功勞不少。沒有你們的和聲,主音會變得單調。相反,有你們的恊助,主音顯得更有深度和生命力。男高音和男低音,我除了很讚賞你們的歌唱技巧外,你們認真的態度為大家立了不少好榜樣。Sonia 和 Matthew>對不起,我常常忽略了你們,但你們卻能在短時間內把樂譜練好,實在難得。最後要 多謝Cecilia>,你不但為我們作曲作詞,更為我們張羅一切大少事宜;大如安排演出,小如安排膳食,一切都為大家照顧得無微不至,感激感激。 Prism >每位成員對我都有很大啟發,我得著的比我付出的更多。我欣賞你們為主服務的熱誠和對 音樂的認真。感謝你們對我的信任及無限的包容的忍耐,對於重覆不斷的練習從無怨言。在此期望我們將來繼續合作愉快,一起用歌曲去傳福音 。 |
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戰戰兢兢的去了第一個練習﹐終於認識了 Prism ﹐每個人都很友善﹐都是傻傻的玩 玩笑笑。最開心的就是﹐每次練 習後﹐我都會很 amazed ﹐無時無刻地大唱一番﹐感覺自己很有 spirit 很有衝勁﹐像剛剛看完演唱會似的﹐不知道是 因為 ah cham gaga 她們帶得好﹐還是神真的在我們身上工作了。就這樣玩著鬧著﹐四五個練習後就真的跑到 台上去﹐我不敢說我們準備得好﹐整個 program schedule 好像每一分鐘都有變動﹔到最後 幾個鐘頭練習時﹐我們 幾個站在 台上﹐ 手忙腳亂的擺這個搬那個﹐不停擔心討論著開 show 的時候該怎樣該怎樣﹐一齊上廁所也上了 好幾遍 ( 記得最後一次時曾說 " 已經去到山窮水盡的地步喇。 ") 。結果﹐真的開 show 時﹐在台上看到下面幾百 個觀眾﹐我們竟然沒有想像中的怯下來﹐ ah cham 的隨機應變加上我們硬出來的淡定﹐好像甚麼都安排好一樣﹐ 到 closing 再一次的 「踏出多一點」﹐看到 台下的人站著拍掌時﹐那一刻真的開心感動得不由得在每一句 「願 意去 ( 願你也 ) 踏出多一點」 笑了 出來﹔總算完成了﹐感覺自己也終於踏出了第一步。 組織﹐練習﹐上台演出都不是我的第一次﹐但這是我第一次為了神而踏足台上﹐目的雖然完全不同﹐卻有一種很舒服的感覺﹐而且因為有了這一班好玩易熟又 friendly 的 pretty girls (and guys) 和對音樂音準非常敏捷的 Ah cham Gaga Yolanda, 這次演出的練習雖然只有短短幾次﹐我卻覺得比我以前學過的都要多﹔唯一可惜 的就是 這次準備的時間真的太短了﹐多些時間的話我們一定能做得比這次更好﹐很快會有下一次吧﹖ =D |
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This concert was fun. I’m glad I was able to be a part of it. Through this concert I have made many friends and I got to work at my singing technique. I was a little worried when I first decided to join because I only had about a month to learn a couple of Chinese songs, and since I can’t read Chinese, that was kind of a problem. But thanks to the support of some Prism members I got most of the words down and got the songs somewhat memorized. Through this concert I feel I have gotten a little closer to God; seeing as how I don’t go to church on a regular basis. I also really enjoyed singing and dancing to the songs. It got my mind off of school for a couple of hours a week, since I was stressing over finals and stuff like that. This concert has brought me a feeling of accomplishment, seeing as we had so little time to prepare for it, and there were many things that were unknown to us; yet we did a great job. |
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Although Riodian High School is a familiar place for some of us, this event gives me so many “first time”. I feel excited, refreshed, and amazed! It is the first time I have only one month to prepare, the first time to deal with so many new people, the first time to be prepared in 4 or 5 practices, the first time to hear our perfectionist advisor, Gaga, said that we are very ready, the first time I see all my members are PUNCTUAL for practice! the first time to teach dances, the first time to stay in mist even on the big day, the first time to feel we are so ready but don’t know what to do, the first time to start a show without program notes to follow, the first time to feel so calm and excited even though I don’t know what is next, the first time to run from stage left to stage right back and forth so many times during the show, the first time to start a show without rehearsal, the first time to start a show without light testing, the first time to become Joe Junior dancers, the first time to give instructions while dancing, the first time I brought 10+ people from stage to bathroom during the show, the first time to talk and give instructions on stage during the show, the first time to see my members are extremely friendly, united, confident, flexible, tolerated, and discipline. Thanks God for letting me to see so many miracles. Thanks God for sending all these wonderful angels for Prism. Thank you all!!! |
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When I
first heard about the song “Step Out More”, I really like it. This song got an
easy-memorized melody as well as meaningful lyrics. But at the time I heard
that we have to add some dance to the song, I was a bit scared because I was
not good at memorizing dance steps according to my elementary school
experience. Despite the fact that I always forgot the dance step and pose, and
had to look at others, I found that it is such an enjoyable time to dance with
other prism members. We did joke and laugh a lot during practice.
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Corinna 天主的愛又再一次降臨於 Prism 當中。 在短短一個月內﹐ Prism 作出多項新嘗試﹕成員增加了﹐還於「踏出多一點」中加入簡單的舞步﹐為的是讓觀眾能更加投入我們想要傳達的訊息。 練習時間雖比上一次還短﹐但很奇跡地不論是新人或舊人﹐我們很快便能熟練地載歌載舞。在差不多一千人面前表演﹐我們每位也有點緊張。不過有天主的祝福﹐這次演出順利地完成了。最高興的是在表演之前﹐我們的 QC 表示滿意呢 ! 在感激天主之餘﹐要很多謝羅蘭為我們舉行今次的佈道會。還有每位工作人員和 Prism 的所有成員。最重要當然是我們的領導人亞 Cham, GaGa, 跟 Yolanda 。每一次綵排我也獲益良多 ! 希望我們能繼續努力﹐將福音用歌曲傳揚到每個人心中。 |
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Frances My first experience to be in EV was great! It has been a while since I left the theater, so it was a fascinating moment to come back this way to serve God. Till this day, it is hard to believe everyone in the group was notified only a month prior to the event; yet, I thought we did great! On the first day of rehearsal, I went with no expectation because I thought I will only be singing. However, surprisingly there were other assets to accommodate the extra space. The second rehearsal went better because I know what is that we were supposed to do. On the third rehearsal, I was in a flu mode, helplessness, couldn’t even sing and followed by a weekend that strikes me to the bottom of valley. Everything always seems to happen for reason. As I returned to the last Friday rehearsal, I was able to anticipate fully with no other distraction. Also, the flu had gone better. I think it is a great idea to incorporate masses into our rehearsal. They are just powerful! And they helped united people together. Perhaps, we should have another one sometimes after the event. As for Saturday, we did a little more practice. After that, things were in God’s hands. I hope I get to see the video of the whole EV one day. People told me they enjoyed it. They were empowered by the holy spiritual, such as starting to talk about God during dinner. I was touched because I saw bigger mean in life! It is my pleasure to work with everyone. That was a gift indeed. Look forward to see you again in future. |
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Janice The Law Laan’s EV was a great success and PRISM ROCKS!! Thank you everyone who joined us at the event. It’s definitely a pleasure to be involved in the EV featuring Law Laan. Everything was great! Law Laan was an amazing speaker. I really enjoy the practice, performance, laughter, and all things! Although it was a little hectic on the day of performance because things were uncertain, I still felt calmed because we were well prepared. This uncertainty actually made it quite fun and exciting. For instance, it was unplanned that we became Joe Jr.’s dancers...HAHA…Also, our bright outfit looked so awesome on stage. We added some colors to the event. It was a brilliant idea! Thank you all PRISM ladies and gentlemen for the making of the fun, friendly and caring team. You guys are terrific!! Special thanks to ar Cham, GaGa, and ar Yo for all the effort they put into the team and the EV~ It was a memorable experience to be part of PRISM and the event. I really appreciate it!! Muah Muah~ I look forward to meeting you all again and our next event! |
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Jessica 「羅蘭佈道會」是繼「踏出多一點」音樂之旅佈道會後第二個傳播天主的愛的聚會﹐對於能夠參與這次演出感到十分榮幸。
相比「踏出多一點」音樂之旅佈道會﹐這次佈道會的籌備時間非常短。我們只有幾次的綵排﹐大家都要把舞步和歌詞記熟﹐希望表演時不會錯漏百出。由於節目的編排有太多未知之數﹐所以在台上要懂得臨危不亂﹐處變不驚。雖然 Prism 並不是今次的主角﹐但大家還是打醒十二分精神。經過大家的努力﹐佈道會順利完成﹗
在兩次的佈道會都能體會天主的臨在﹐在天主的祝福下﹐所有事情都能解決。能夠繼續透過 Prism 傳播天主喜訊和愛感到十分高興﹐希望在將來的日子我們仍能用歌聲去加深大家對天主的認識﹗ |
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Louisa 三個多月後﹐ Prism 又再因天主的安排而聚在一起了。這次的聚會跟上一次 有些不同 : 雖然有人離開了﹐但同時我們也有更多的新朋友加入 ﹐能夠跟 大家一起唱歌的感覺真好 ! 在籌備這一次的佈道會中﹐我再一次感受到天主的臨在。雖然我們並不是這次佈道會的主角﹐但我們並沒有因為這樣而鬆懈。在不足一個月的時間內﹐除了把要表現的曲目背得滾瓜爛熟以外﹐我們這一次還加插了動作來配合大會的主題曲「踏出多一點」。由於時間有限﹐在練習的過程裡﹐大家都付出了加倍的努力和時 間把歌詞和動作記熟﹐以便唱的時候動作一致。還記得在佈道會開始的前一刻﹐大家還作最後的努力把動作改好﹐使整個表現看來更一致呢。 經過大家的努力﹐佈道會終於順利的完成了 ! 雖然佈道會開始前還有很多未知數﹐但到真正開始的時候所有事情卻迎刃而解。在這裡我再一次看到天主的造化﹐祂總會把不可能的變成有可能的。我很榮幸能夠繼續透過 Prism ﹐透過音樂去傳播天主的愛。我相信在未來的日子裡﹐ Prism 仍會用它小小的力量去傳播天主要帶給我們的喜訊。你們就靜心等待吧 ! |
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Matthew 今次真係一次好奇怪 o 既經歷。 之前完全唔知道要彈乜野歌,係去到最後一刻先發現要做 d 乜野。準備唔係太夠既情形之下,當初真係好驚,而且技術同勾線技巧真係未到家,未可以話到想點彈就真係彈得到。幸好有主既引領最後出來既效果都尚算可以。 額外驚喜係 Joe Junior 真係好唱得。同埋羅蘭去左好幾間教堂個段錄影發現有好多教堂真係好宏偉,同埋裏 面有 d 野既意思真係從來都冇探究過。 希望大家都得到一個愉快既晚上 ! |
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Myron This performance was very different from the last one. Firstly, we acted as a supporting role. For this reason, we had fewer songs to sing than we did last time, and so we felt more relaxed but still it was very enjoyable. Secondly, we had a lot of new members. As our aim is to involve the community, I feel very happy that many people are interested in joining us. Thirdly, we added in some dances. I have to say that I am really amazed by the effort of all the girls. Although most of them do not have any background in dancing, they were all very focused during rehearsals, trying to memorize all the moves and act together. Last but not the least, I have to thank Cecilia and Agatha for their music direction. This show would not be successful without their contributions. Making innovations is always our goal. I believe we will have a vastly different performance soon! |
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Pauline I cannot believe I just my fifth EV Concert!!! It was just amazing every single time. This time actually was the least stressful one for me and it gave me a chance to really enjoy it instead of getting all nervous throughout the whole thing. Every time after the EV, I told myself it would be the last one because preparing and practicing are really tiring. But every time when people asked me to help out, somehow I would immediately say yes, never a ‘maybe’, just ‘yes’ right away. I want to thank “Cham” here for asking me to join even after I failed to keep up with the practice since last year. It was really great to meet all these new, young and energetic youth getting together and sing, praise and do things for God. We had the least practice and the biggest group this time, thought we did not even have a formal rehearsal and there were so many ‘unknown’, we still somehow pulled it off. It was a truly great experience. Thank you all (& God, of course) for everything! =) Making innovations is always our goal. I believe we will have a vastly different performance soon! |
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在羅蘭的信仰分享中﹐她教懂了我 - 福傳並不一定是困難的。關鍵是我們是否真的願意承擔福傳的使命。當 我聽了她的話﹐頓時感到慚愧。說真的﹐我曾經多次找籍口不在朋友前作餐前祈禱。但我從沒想過﹐在他人前劃十字聖號也可以達到傳教目的。希望籍羅蘭的教悔和今次的活動能令我 “ 踏出一大點 ” 。我期待未來能參與更多福傳的工作和在 Prism 樂隊作多方面的嘗試。 在每人的生活裡﹐總有遇到失敗的時候﹐只要 “ 你和我不怕望前走 ” ﹐並用天父給我們 “ 最好的奉獻給他人 ” ﹐我相信祂永遠會陪伴我們走過最困難的日子。 只要你願以 “ 踏出多一點點 ” ﹐我們也歡迎你成為我們的一分子﹗ ~~ 縱有不測風雨天你我不怕望前﹐用最好的作奉獻 ~~ |
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Sonia Time flies! Once again I have witnessed that all of us have stepped out further in our spiritual and musical journey! Coming back to Riordan High School has brought me rolls of flashbacks about the evangelization event back in the year 2005. Clips of memories kept flashing in my head as I was approaching out on the stage, step by step. After two years has passed, as I was once again praising God on the stage being as a vocalist and a keyboardist, I continue to witness that God is still dwelling in each of our heart. It is a blessing to experience the harmony again within the Prism group together with Law Lan and Joe Junior, and most importantly, with our brothers and sisters in the audience. This time, I am glad to see lots of new faces joined our group and attended the concert. Some of them are non-Catholics while some are looking forward to becoming one. Due to time constraint, I was quite worried about the rundown of the program. This is the first time in the last six years that we have done a performance without a formal rehearsal on the very day. Questions keep popping out from no where: are all the instruments and equipment set up properly? Can our sick members survive throughout the concert? Can we handle the interview with Law Lan in a timely manner? To our surprises, all of us have witnessed a miracle that brought the whole event smoothly together and calmed our frustration. The joy in our hearts cannot be expressed merely by words, but with our laughter, embrace, and with our tears. I am very blessed to meet lots of energetic young adults this time and to witness Law Lan’s spiritual testimonial together with God. The interview was very touching, which reminded me of my family values, the positive aspect of life, and the strength to thrive vitally with Him. I am happy to find that my friends who came to the event have learned lots of practices and values of Catholics, and they are receptive of these means. These events have reflected the way we live as Catholics by sharing our music/spiritual experience with others. While I was looking around the auditorium, clips of EV 2005 randomly played in every corner of the hall and stage. At the same time, I realized that our faith and hopes grow day by day, as I am reflecting at myself in year 2007 singing “ 願你也踏出多一點﹐迎接世上的幻變 …” Let us open our hearts and feel the vibration of love! |
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has a story behind, but all we’ve gathered up for the reason of god. Through
the few weeks of gatherings for this meaningful event, I experienced
up-and-downs. Sickness, stress from work and chores from my daily life
intercepted with the practice schedule. The burden was enough to suffocate from
week to week but our goal never faded. This was finally proved by the wonderful
result of the concert. This is for me and I believe everyone who participated
the event had their own burden on their shoulders. I appreciate my each and
every partner’s insistence.
Ms. Law Lan was surely the spotlight of the event, but the message behind the concert was our real protagonist. I hope to see you all again in any activities whenever in the future. Thank Ms. Law Lan and Mr. Joe Jr. again to make our Prism “shine.” May god bless you all! =) |
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Wilson This concert was unique to me in many ways. It was my first time performing on the same stage with a celebrity. I think I will always remember Joe Junior’s fantastic performance and Law Laan’s sharing of her thoughts on religion. The
on-stage experience was less stressful than I expected. This is probably
because we had many fewer songs to perform than in the February concert.
Nevertheless, when I looked back at the preparation work, the time constraint
was upon us when we frantically practice the singing and dancing within a
month’s time. I was absolutely amazed by the venue of the concert, Riordan High School . After the concert, I kept thinking what it would be like if my high school was as spacious and modernly equipped. |
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